Friday, June 18, 2010

Welcome, Cameron!

11:30P Santa Monica time

A couple of months ago a client/friend and his wife sent me an email announcing the birth of their first grandchild, for whom the new granddad had written a short flute piece which he played when they met for the first time. He wrote in his announcement: “When she heard the flute, her eyes lit up and she stared at the flute in utter fascination. We’re going to have lots of fun with this beautiful Black Chinese Filipino Polish Italian little creature!” I clicked on the attachment to bring up a delightful picture of Mama, Papa and Baby, all three with broad smiles, looking at me from my computer screen.

I emailed back to the grandparents, parents and babe:

Hi, Congratulations, all of you!!!

Welcome, CBT, to this Wonderful World, of your entry into it as an Only Child, a Firstborn, of doting parents, grandparents, and lots of other relatives you'll find are relatives Forever too, of music from flutes composed specially for you, of dancing under the stars, of chocolate, of dogs and cats and hamsters, of laughter and giggling and smiling knowingly, of crazy limericks and rhymes, of pottery and pasta, of color and space, of wind in the trees and in the desert, of ethnic food and heritage including apple pie and brownies, of joy in being alive and well and living in Southern California, of God's blessings on your arrival here and your past, present and future life, of freedoms expected and unexpected, of body and soul and spirit as you try them out, and of Love all around you, unlimited, overflowing, reciprocated, human and divine. Go for it, Cameron, have a wonderful life! Xoxoxoxox!

Love, Great-Auntie

Sent from my iPhone

I read it and re-read it, and re-read it. God made this wonderful life! Enjoy it with Cameron and me!

Miss Peach

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